You will find a huge selection of gently used books sorted by author, genre, and subject. There are puzzles, games, CDs, DVDs, a room dedicated to children,
as well as unique and handcrafted Art and Paintings by local artists.
Payment Methods
Cash is the preferred payment method; however personal cheque or e-transfer is an option. For more information please contact Pat by submitting an email below.
as well as unique and handcrafted Art and Paintings by local artists.
Payment Methods
Cash is the preferred payment method; however personal cheque or e-transfer is an option. For more information please contact Pat by submitting an email below.
Want to get involved?
If anyone is interested in volunteering to host in the Rectory Book shop please contact Pat. For more information please submit an email request below.
All revenues will be directed in support of our Parish projects!
*Please note we will be closed on all Statutory and Public Holidays.
Looking forward to your visit, From: Pat, and the Cover-to-Cover Team!
If anyone is interested in volunteering to host in the Rectory Book shop please contact Pat. For more information please submit an email request below.
All revenues will be directed in support of our Parish projects!
*Please note we will be closed on all Statutory and Public Holidays.
Looking forward to your visit, From: Pat, and the Cover-to-Cover Team!