Wardens and Parish Council work collaboratively with the Rector to ensure that the life and ministry of the parish are faithfully maintained. Parish Council meets monthly. We are thankful for those who have offered themselves to these leadership positions.
Wardens- Heather Gough, Harry Harris, Dave Keegan,Rick Hill
Treasure- Bill Yeomans
PC Members- Leslie Savard, Marcus Hahn, Allison Gortzak, Marnie McEwen, Linda Sheils, Jeanette Maloney, Linda Riley.
Wardens- Heather Gough, Harry Harris, Dave Keegan,Rick Hill
Treasure- Bill Yeomans
PC Members- Leslie Savard, Marcus Hahn, Allison Gortzak, Marnie McEwen, Linda Sheils, Jeanette Maloney, Linda Riley.
The parish of Holy Trinity St Stephen's Memorial will hold our annual Vestry meeting Sunday January 31, 2021 at 1pm on Zoom. Information on how to access Zoom and participate is forthcoming.
For those who do not have access to a digital device or internet at home, you will be contacted with options as how to participate. If you have been asked to submit a report for the Vestry booklet, please submit your reports to the office by Tuesday January 19 at 5pm. All reports can be emailed to [email protected]. (No handwritten reports) Vestry booklets with reports and nominations will be sent to all Vestry members via email Wednesday January 27.
We will not be taking nominations from the floor this year. If you would like to nominate someone for a position on Parish Council, please submit your nomination to Beth McKinlay or Harry Harris no later than January 22. Nomination must include: Name of person being nominated Position on Parish Council (e.g. Deputy Warden, Parish Council member, Delegate to synod) Your name and the name of someone who has agreed to second the nomination. More information about Vestry coming in the next few weeks.
December 2020
Dear Friends,
Advent is a time of looking forward; to the celebration of Christ’s birth. An exciting time of anticipation and visions of good things to come. This year the road ahead is unclear. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of every community around the world and continues to do so. Our church community is no exception as we adapt and deal with change.
At Holy Trinity St. Stephen’s Memorial we have done well. Yes, we have had financial setbacks. The most significant being the closing of the Yamaha music school. Thanks to your support and some assistance through the Diocese we are presently managing to meet our financial obligations. Amazingly donations are within five percent of what we budgeted last January. Thanks to the pie ladies and virtual bazaar folks some fundraising is being achieved. All of this a testament to the commitment of this community. In spite of the challenges the church is still here; physically, spiritually and in ministry.
Thanks to Rev Rob, John, Dave and Marnie who through videos are tending to the spiritual needs of those at home. We opened for live services on September 13th. With the cooperation of all who have returned we have built a worship model that is safe and gratifying. Thanks to Kathy and her Sunday service volunteers who ensure we worship in a safe environment. Attendance is averaging 20 and 35 at the 9am and 11am services respectively. Our seating capacity is limited to 30% or 42 people at each service.
Staying in touch with our isolated community and keeping everyone in the loop is a top priority. Thanks to Jeanette and Allison who have gone beyond expectations in their administrative and communication roles to keep people informed. Thanks to Heather and the social care team for reaching out to those in need. Also, the recently formed chatterbox team’s efforts to hold the parish community together through a truly Canadian characteristic; talking on the phone.
Ministry to the community beyond our walls endures. All of the budgeted outreach commitments are being met. The names of those who have stepped up to minister in many ways and places is too long to list. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to them too. More recently we have embarked on a fundraising appeal for homelessness.
Christmas donations and gifting are welcomed here at Holy Trinity St. Stephen’s Memorial. For those so inclined donations and gifting can be done by envelope or e-transfer. Two envelopes; one designated for “Rev Rob Henderson” and another designated “HTSSM” are available. Send e-transfers to [email protected]. Please ensure cheques and the notes field on e-transfers clearly indicates gift to “Rev Rob Henderson” or donation to “HTSSM” as desired. Tax receipts will be issued for donations to “HTSSM.” Tax receipts for gifts to Rev. Rob Henderson will not be issued.
While the road we are travelling into 2021 is truly unclear we need only look back over the past year to see what we can do amid uncertainty. As we celebrate the Joy, Love, Peace and Hope of the advent season remember we are traveling this road together and in the company of God. So let’s keep doing what the spirit moves us to do. All is well!
Wishing all a safe and blessed Christmas,
The Churchwardens
It is with great sadness that the Wardens have accepted the Notice to vacate from Yamaha Music for Life as of December 31, 2020. Our tenants, Billy and Elise and their staff have rented the “old rectory” for over 12 years, but with the pandemic it has become impossible for them to continue with their teaching. We mourn the loss of their business with them and wish Billy and Elise all the best in their retirement. While this will mean a loss of income to the parish, we know that new opportunities for the use of the rectory will be opened to us. If we have learned anything during these past months, it's that through the gifts and vision of those at HTSSM, God continues to lead us into new ways to live out our mission.
A working group has been formed at Parish Council with Rev. Rob, Dave Keegan, Pat Edgerton, and Paul Crowe to review the next steps and listen to what new opportunities God is leading us into. Stay Tuned!
Blessings! The Wardens
September 2020
After months and months of saying "ARE WE THERE YET”?
We hopefully arrive back home, next Sunday September 13th, with the reopening of Church Services.
It will be different! --- calling to confirm attendance, signing in upon arrival, squirt of sanitizer, masks, social distancing, no singing, no hugs, but a whole lot of love and faith, prayers and glory to God.
The wardens want to express their thank you to each and every one of you for your heartfelt compassion, support and love throughout these past several months.
Your continued commitment towards the parish through financial contributions along with the successful Crown the Lounge campaign. Prayers for the parish have been overwhelming and stands as a testament to the love and ownership we all share in our community at Holy Trinity St. Stephen's Memorial.
Thank you for the many acts of kindness from calling and checking up on each other, maintaining the church grounds and memorial garden, to dropping off of cookies and muffins to homes, supporting the daily food bank at St. Paul's and Glen Cairn Bread Program along with London Chaplaincy by donations of food, clothes, household goods, to the many acts of kindness towards the housebound and nursing home family. Thank you to Jeanette and Allison who kept the office floating with such dedication and hard work.
We are especially thankful for the leadership of our Rector and for all the hours of putting together the virtual services along with Dave McEwen’s expertise in video and music talent. God has blessed our "Big Blue Church" with such grace and love. Praise be to God!
We look forward to seeing you on the 13th whether in person or knowing that you are tuning in virtually.
Welcome back!!! We are all part of the Family; thanks be to God!!
From: Harry, Chuck, Dave K, and Beth
The parish of Holy Trinity St Stephen's Memorial will hold our annual Vestry meeting Sunday January 31, 2021 at 1pm on Zoom. Information on how to access Zoom and participate is forthcoming.
For those who do not have access to a digital device or internet at home, you will be contacted with options as how to participate. If you have been asked to submit a report for the Vestry booklet, please submit your reports to the office by Tuesday January 19 at 5pm. All reports can be emailed to [email protected]. (No handwritten reports) Vestry booklets with reports and nominations will be sent to all Vestry members via email Wednesday January 27.
We will not be taking nominations from the floor this year. If you would like to nominate someone for a position on Parish Council, please submit your nomination to Beth McKinlay or Harry Harris no later than January 22. Nomination must include: Name of person being nominated Position on Parish Council (e.g. Deputy Warden, Parish Council member, Delegate to synod) Your name and the name of someone who has agreed to second the nomination. More information about Vestry coming in the next few weeks.
December 2020
Dear Friends,
Advent is a time of looking forward; to the celebration of Christ’s birth. An exciting time of anticipation and visions of good things to come. This year the road ahead is unclear. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives of every community around the world and continues to do so. Our church community is no exception as we adapt and deal with change.
At Holy Trinity St. Stephen’s Memorial we have done well. Yes, we have had financial setbacks. The most significant being the closing of the Yamaha music school. Thanks to your support and some assistance through the Diocese we are presently managing to meet our financial obligations. Amazingly donations are within five percent of what we budgeted last January. Thanks to the pie ladies and virtual bazaar folks some fundraising is being achieved. All of this a testament to the commitment of this community. In spite of the challenges the church is still here; physically, spiritually and in ministry.
Thanks to Rev Rob, John, Dave and Marnie who through videos are tending to the spiritual needs of those at home. We opened for live services on September 13th. With the cooperation of all who have returned we have built a worship model that is safe and gratifying. Thanks to Kathy and her Sunday service volunteers who ensure we worship in a safe environment. Attendance is averaging 20 and 35 at the 9am and 11am services respectively. Our seating capacity is limited to 30% or 42 people at each service.
Staying in touch with our isolated community and keeping everyone in the loop is a top priority. Thanks to Jeanette and Allison who have gone beyond expectations in their administrative and communication roles to keep people informed. Thanks to Heather and the social care team for reaching out to those in need. Also, the recently formed chatterbox team’s efforts to hold the parish community together through a truly Canadian characteristic; talking on the phone.
Ministry to the community beyond our walls endures. All of the budgeted outreach commitments are being met. The names of those who have stepped up to minister in many ways and places is too long to list. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to them too. More recently we have embarked on a fundraising appeal for homelessness.
Christmas donations and gifting are welcomed here at Holy Trinity St. Stephen’s Memorial. For those so inclined donations and gifting can be done by envelope or e-transfer. Two envelopes; one designated for “Rev Rob Henderson” and another designated “HTSSM” are available. Send e-transfers to [email protected]. Please ensure cheques and the notes field on e-transfers clearly indicates gift to “Rev Rob Henderson” or donation to “HTSSM” as desired. Tax receipts will be issued for donations to “HTSSM.” Tax receipts for gifts to Rev. Rob Henderson will not be issued.
While the road we are travelling into 2021 is truly unclear we need only look back over the past year to see what we can do amid uncertainty. As we celebrate the Joy, Love, Peace and Hope of the advent season remember we are traveling this road together and in the company of God. So let’s keep doing what the spirit moves us to do. All is well!
Wishing all a safe and blessed Christmas,
The Churchwardens
It is with great sadness that the Wardens have accepted the Notice to vacate from Yamaha Music for Life as of December 31, 2020. Our tenants, Billy and Elise and their staff have rented the “old rectory” for over 12 years, but with the pandemic it has become impossible for them to continue with their teaching. We mourn the loss of their business with them and wish Billy and Elise all the best in their retirement. While this will mean a loss of income to the parish, we know that new opportunities for the use of the rectory will be opened to us. If we have learned anything during these past months, it's that through the gifts and vision of those at HTSSM, God continues to lead us into new ways to live out our mission.
A working group has been formed at Parish Council with Rev. Rob, Dave Keegan, Pat Edgerton, and Paul Crowe to review the next steps and listen to what new opportunities God is leading us into. Stay Tuned!
Blessings! The Wardens
September 2020
After months and months of saying "ARE WE THERE YET”?
We hopefully arrive back home, next Sunday September 13th, with the reopening of Church Services.
It will be different! --- calling to confirm attendance, signing in upon arrival, squirt of sanitizer, masks, social distancing, no singing, no hugs, but a whole lot of love and faith, prayers and glory to God.
The wardens want to express their thank you to each and every one of you for your heartfelt compassion, support and love throughout these past several months.
Your continued commitment towards the parish through financial contributions along with the successful Crown the Lounge campaign. Prayers for the parish have been overwhelming and stands as a testament to the love and ownership we all share in our community at Holy Trinity St. Stephen's Memorial.
Thank you for the many acts of kindness from calling and checking up on each other, maintaining the church grounds and memorial garden, to dropping off of cookies and muffins to homes, supporting the daily food bank at St. Paul's and Glen Cairn Bread Program along with London Chaplaincy by donations of food, clothes, household goods, to the many acts of kindness towards the housebound and nursing home family. Thank you to Jeanette and Allison who kept the office floating with such dedication and hard work.
We are especially thankful for the leadership of our Rector and for all the hours of putting together the virtual services along with Dave McEwen’s expertise in video and music talent. God has blessed our "Big Blue Church" with such grace and love. Praise be to God!
We look forward to seeing you on the 13th whether in person or knowing that you are tuning in virtually.
Welcome back!!! We are all part of the Family; thanks be to God!!
From: Harry, Chuck, Dave K, and Beth