WEEKLY BULLETIN FOR February 9th, 2025 The Presentation of the Lord Worship readings for this week’s 5th Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb 9th are: Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13); Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Worship readings for next week’s 6th Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb 16th are: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26
THIS PRAYER MINISTRY IS MOST IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW! Your prayers DO MAKE a difference. Please take additional time in your day and in you daily prayers for those most vulnerable and in need of healing. We reverently keep in our prayers, family, friends, loved ones, and all in need. We pray especially for those listed in this bulletin and those in our hearts and minds this day.
Prayers for all those in need of Health and Healing including our Parishioners homebound or in Long Term Care facilities: Randy V., Gerry M., Marge W., David Larden, Raymie, Dane, Kyra, Gloria, Craig T., Dave D., Margaret C., Jessica W., Diane L., Ed N., Mary G., Brenda P., Dan L., Joanne P., David H., Meghan R., Ted D., Alvin, Jean F., Saraann, Mary B., Maisie, Solange H., Terry, Cavell, Karen C., Dan, Philip W., Raymie D., Ted M., James L., Nancy, Marilyn A., Molly Rose, Al & Yvonne, Sandy M., Linda R., Steve I., Kathryn H., Kathy G., Bea, Jennifer A., Luke, Lucy, Edith, Jerry, Carol, Petra, Evelyn, Dave, Leona, Junia, and Bob.
HTSSM Prayer List If you would like to have yourself; a family member; or a loved one, included on the Prayer List or Long Term Care list we are now asking for a new submission to be sent directly to our new dedicated email at: [email protected]. 1) Please indicate the person who is to be allocated, 2) advise if you’d like the initial of their Last Name to be included, and 3) if able, please indicate if there is a length of time you’d like their name to be upheld. Please also share with us as God meets your needs so that we may rejoice with you; or send a follow up email to remove a name from the Prayer list when needed. Sincerely and Respectfully, Allison G.
As a parish family, those noted below have a place of importance for us to hold in tribute and remembrance. FEBRUARY ALTAR FLOWERS: Feb 2 - Given to the Glory of God by Berend & Judi Schieven in memory of brother, John Harris and mother, Deirdre Harris. Feb 9 - Given to the Glory of God by Marge Waller in memory of Loved Ones. AND by Betty Britschgi in loving memory of her husband Lyle. Feb 16 - Given to the Glory of God by Deb & Bob Lafond in loving memory of Bob's parents Bert & Marylin Lafond, his brother Joe Lafond, brother-in-law Doug Scott and niece Stacey Laflamme. Feb 23 - Given to the Glory of God by Wendy & David Parisian in loving memory of their parents.
Midweek Worship and Community Time at HTSSM Please join us for a time of worship and community on Wednesday mornings. The schedule for in-person and online is as follows: February Schedule: Feb 05 - 8:00am Morning Prayer via Zoom Feb 12 - 10:30am Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary Feb 19 - 8:00am Morning Prayer via Zoom Feb 26 - 10:30am Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary If you plan to participate on Zoom, please email Rev. Rob for the link to the prayer room: [email protected].
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper Come and join us for fun and fellowship at our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tues Mar 4th, 2025 from 5:00-7PM. Freewill donations will be graciously accepted in support of ministries of the church! Volunteers are also needed please! Contact Harry or Allison if you’re available to assist with set up, take down, serving, and clean up. Thanks! Social Events Committee Meeting Our next meeting is on Tuesday, March 4th, at 2pm* as we begin looking at plans that will take us through the chilly winter months! Please join us if you are interested in any upcoming events or wish to plan future ones. *Please note earlier meeting time for those who are available during the daytime. Thanks!
Attention Book lovers!! Everyone is familiar with our beloved Book Nook located in the old rectory behind the church. We are excited to announce that the Book Nook that houses hundreds of books, is now all Half-priced at only 50 cents each. The books are sorted by genre (nonfiction), by author (A-Z), and there also a room full of children's books. There are also DVDs, CDs, puzzles and games...all only 50 cents each! Come check us out while there is still plenty of selection to choose from! The Book Nook is open every Saturday from 10-3.
Thank you for your Donation Dear Friends of PWRDF, On behalf of the Board, staff and partners of Alongside Hope (formerly PWRDF), I would like to extend our thanks for your recent generous donation from your church. Your gift supports our work with partners in preventive health, mother and child wellness, food security and nutrition, clean water and sanitation, Indigenous language and cultural reclamation, economic empowerment, and emergency humanitarian relief both here at home in Canada and in more than thirty countries around the world. For over 60 years, Alongside Hope has worked to improve the lives of marginalized people around the world through development programs and relief efforts. We could not achieve these results and helped so many vulnerable men, women and children without the generous support of our caring donors like you. While our name is changing, our work with partners is not. Our vision of creating a truly just, healthy and peaceful world is both an anchor and an inspiration. With blessings and gratitude, Will Postma, Executive Director URGENT Winter Warm Clothing needed! Ark Aid urgently needs warm clothing donations to help those facing the harsh winter without the essentials. Your generosity can make a life-saving difference. Items needed RIGHT NOW! Our stock is low. - Sleeping bags - Blankets - Tarps - Winter coats - Gloves / Hats - Thermal Wear - Boots / Socks - Hand warmers If able, please drop off your donations at 696 Dundas St. or visit us at ArkAidMission.ca to learn more about how you can help. Together, we can bring warmth and hope to those who need it most. Thank you for being part of 365 Days of Rest—ensuring everyone is Beheld. Beloved. Belong. If you would like to donate funds, please visit this link. https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/ark-aid-street-mission-inc/ London Chaplaincy Winter Service Opportunities Dear Friends of the Chaplaincy, We hope you are enjoying 2025 so far (snow included)! Below is attached our service opportunities for the winter season. These are two core needs to consider: 1 Our high school students are gearing up for their January exams and final projects. We work to encourage them by offering six study hubs - time blocks where students can come to the Chaplaincy for a quiet place to study and to get individual tutoring help. We would be grateful for your support of food donations such as fruit, warm snacks (like frozen pizza and chicken nuggets), baked treats, and energy drinks. To encourage the youth, the food we provide at these study hubs includes lots of treats! 2) In addition to support for the January exam period, we would be very happy for donations for our single parents for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day can be very hard for folks who are single, so we like to offer a blessing bag as a gesture of caring (see attached service opportunities page for details). If you are able to support our families this winter, or if you would like to discuss an idea you have to share with us, we would love to hear from you. Please connect with me at: [email protected]. Thank you so much, Jennifer Ormston, Community Engagement & Volunteer Manager
A Note from the Bishops Office RE: Respiratory Illness this Fall and Winter As we enter the fall and winter seasons when there is increased circulation of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, RSV, influenza, and the common cold, you are reminded of our common responsibility as members of the Body of Christ to take care of others—particularly the elderly, the young, and the immunocompromised. Some of the practices and protocols that were developed during the pandemic remain appropriate: parishes should continue to have hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol content easily accessible; and a supply of masks should also be available for those who may have forgotten their own. Important methods to control a variety of infectious diseases include: Vaccinations: all persons who are able to receive COVID-19, RSV, and influenza vaccinations are encouraged to follow the recommendations of their medical care provider and keep their vaccines up to date.Masking: when/if appropriate: there will be times when people will choose to mask for their own health and the health of others. No one who chooses to wear a mask should be criticized or looked down on for doing so. Staying home when ill: whatever the illness, if you are showing symptoms of a communicable illness, please keep yourself and your germs at home. Ensuring good air flow and use of HEPA filters where possible.Good hand hygiene:Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. CC Carrothers Breakfast Program Once again, C.C. Carrothers public school is accepting donations for their snack and breakfast program. The drop off basket is still located in the ‘Sowing’ room at the back of the church, with the list of items they can accept. Please Note: MUST BE PACKAGED SNACKS ONLY. Thank you in advance. Liz.
Assistive Listening System Assistive listening devices (ALDs) help amplify the sounds you want to hear, especially where there's a lot of background noise. Our audio system in the church is now equipped for Assistive Listening. Anyone with a hearing aid that has Bluetooth capabilities can pick up the signal. Any questions please see Rick Hill or Rev Rob for more information. Blue Shirts: There has been renewed interest in regards to purchasing the HTSSM Blue shirts. If you would like to obtain one, please contact Beth at 519-709-2123 or [email protected]. Thank you!
Christ Church Cemetery History Book for Sale “Christ Church Anglican Glanworth Cemetery 1845 - 2021, A History” A note from the Author: I took over the management of Christ Church Anglican Cemetery Glanworth in 2017 and received 173 years of records that told an interesting history of this pioneer cemetery and the Glanworth community. It included Board minutes from 1923 on and information about the founding of this parish in 1844 when a local benefactor (Mary Watson) donated 12 acres of her farm that she was granted from land agent Thomas Talbot in 1844 for a church and cemetery. I didn't want these records to go back in the file and be forgotten so I wrote a short history from what I found. The pioneers buried here tell the human story of the settlement of the Glanworth area. I did further research to create a complete burial register to the present (2021) and some interesting details about some of them. You will find many names you may recognize along with photos of our informal arboretum that make the cemetery so enchanting and peaceful. If you wish to buy a copy of this book ($10), it is available at St. Stephens or from me at [email protected]. As there are a limited number left, we may be printing a second edition if there is enough interest. Regards, Wayne
Prayer Services at Parkwood and Dearness Rev Rob will be leading monthly services at Parkwood and Dearness Home this fall. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact him. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit residents and share the love of Jesus with our neighbours!
HTSSM’s “Sowing Room” is a growing success! As the Summer season continues, our Parish continues to collect items for the many Outreach Ministries we support. Bread is needed for the Glen Cairn Bread Program. Food donations of canned fruit, vegetables, fish and meat, soups, pasta, cereal, and spaghetti sauce are always gratefully received for the St. Paul's Food Bank and Ark Aide. Granola Bars and bottles water are still being collected to be distributed to those experiencing homelessness in our community. Underwear, socks, shoes, and lunch boxes are needed for London Community Chaplaincy and C.C. Carrothers. Anything you can offer is a huge support and your donations sow seeds of hope and love to our neighbors! Please drop off any items in the large basket located in the lounge or see Beth for details. Thank you for your generosity!
Options for Tithing & Contributions! With the summer months here and many on holidays, we’d like to remind all Parishioners of the following options to help continue with their summer offertory. 1) Deliver to the office on Wednesday mornings during our regular office hours. Please call Jeanette at 226-456-8776 before you come to confirm availability. 2) Mail a cheque indicating your Envelope No. to HTSSM, 727 Southdale Rd. E., London, ON N6E 1A9. Please do not send cash through the mail. 3) E-transfer your givings to [email protected] In the Notes Field, please indicate the allocation as ‘Offertory’, or other specification as desired (ie: Altar Flowers, PWRDF etc.). 4) In addition, you are always encouraged to consider pre-authorized payments (PAP) on a recurring monthly date of your choice. Please contact the office directly for more details. We thank you for your continued support of this essential ministry at HTSSM.
Composting @ HTSSM For our gardens and the environment, we are very thankful for everyone that is contributing to our composting bins. It is a wonderful way to help with the health and growth of our parish garden. If you are not using a composter at home, we at HTSSM would like you to give us a helping hand. If you would bring your compost to the church on Sundays and leave it by the Blue Shed, we will put it in our composter for you. Not only will this keep scraps out of the landfill but will save us from having to buy soil for our garden. Acceptable items include: 1. All fruit and vegetable scraps including peels. 2. Coffee grounds (filters if unbleached); compostable coffee pods; tea bags. 3. Egg shells well crunched. Please remember no meat, bones, or plastic. All necessary grass clippings and leaves will be supplied from church property to give a nitrogen & carbon balance. Many thanks from your Friendly Gardeners on a Mission!
PLEASE SAVE YOUR BREAD BAGS!! The Meat Pie Ladies are asking folks to please collect your empty bread bags as they need them for meat pies. The easiest way to store the bags is to fold and place them in an empty Kleenex box. When the box is full, just pass them on to Pat or Carolyn. Thanks!
Ark Aid Street Mission Please visit The Ark’s face group page (@arkaidlondon) as they regularly list the top items needed. Each week we will also list their top needs below. Please help whenever possible or contact Beth for more information. With Spring here Ark Aid will no longer be accepting Winter donations, thank you everyone for your kind donations getting them through the colder months of the year. Beginning Monday, March 27, all clothing donations will need to be dropped off at The Ark (696 Dundas St. Location). Top 5 Needs: 1. Underwear; 2. Running Shoes; 3. Hoodies; 4. Pants; 5. Light Weight Jackets. Ongoing items always include: socks, underwear; blankets, sheets, hygiene products, toiletries (even if partly filled). Top 5 Food Needs: 1. Potatoes; 2. Noodles (except Spaghetti); 3. Frozen Mixed Vegetables; 4. Frozen Meat. As they serve cooked meals, they are always looking for meats, veggies, potatoes, cookies, granola bars, coffee, tea, anything helps.
Book Nook - HOURS The Book Nook's Open Times are: Saturdays from 10- 3pm You’ll find used books from dozens of authors, genres, and multiple subjects, as well as a children’s room. There are puzzles, CD’s, DVD’s, and also featuring unique handcrafted Art and Paintings by local artists for sale.
NEW ALTAR FLOWER PRICING Please read following message regarding the current upkeep of the weekly Altar flower ministry. Due to the cost of fresh flowers having risen considerably in past months, it has been agreed upon that some new options will be offered going forward. Here are the three selections that people will have to choose from. Option 1 - Fresh Flowers will be purchased and arranged at a cost of $60.00 per family. Option 2 - You can split the cost of fresh flowers with another family for the same weekend at a price of $30.00 per family. Option 3 - In lieu of the cost of fresh flowers, Silk flowers will be arranged at the altar and your money will be donated to one of the designated HTSSM outreach projects. We have set a $20.00 minimum donation, but the dollar value can be whatever you wish. Each option will still acknowledge you and your loved one’s dedication in the bulletin. Jeanette will be calling everyone each month to get your decision. Memorial information for each weekend will still be noted in bulletin. If you have any questions, please speak directly to Jeanette or contact the church office. Meat Pies Delicious chicken and beef pies are available at $4 each. Please call or email Carolyn Keegan if you're interested.
Social Care Committee The Social Care Committee is composed of a group of parishioners who regularly visit and maintain caring relationships with HTSSM parishioners who have limited or no access to weekly services at the church. If you know of a parishioner who would benefit from such visits, or if you’d like more information about how to get involved with this meaningful ministry, please speak to Heather Gough in person or at [email protected].
T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) This group is now meeting every Tuesday from 6pm to 8pm in our Fireside Lounge. The weekly fee is $3 with an annual membership of approximately $60. This is an inexpensive way to obtain support in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Since your first meeting is FREE, give it a try. Please use the rear door by our Veterans' Garden to gain access to their meeting.
BREAD OUTREACH PROGRAM We are once again giving out Bread every Tuesday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre, as well as assisting in the overall work of the centre. Should you be able to donate Whole Wheat Bread, please bring it to the church on Sunday. You can leave it at the back of the church entrance, and Jeanette will deliver it to G.C.C.R.C. for Tuesdays. Although HTSSM is only there Tuesday, the Centre is open to the Community on Mondays and Thursdays for food and bread outreach. Thank you to everyone donating to the Bread Outreach program through their weekly/monthly donations. It has been much appreciated. Also: GCCRC would appreciate any gently used winter coats, clothes, boots, scarves, hats, etc.; for all ages from babies to adults. Please leave your donations at the back of the entrance of the Church and once again Jeanette will deliver them. Many Thanks for supporting our Outreach at GCCRC.
El Sistema South London - Ability through Drumming You probably know about El Sistema South London's string group since it has played several of our services and concerts in the past. Did you know we also started a drumming school for severely challenged kids at St. Anne's Anglican Church in Byron? During the shutdown, everything stopped on a dime. Now, we are planning on starting up again in mid-October and need coaches. These kids are very fragile. We have a Doctor who acts as a coach, so it is well managed. We have seen severely autistic kids overcome their conditions at these classes through music. If you are interested in helping out, please see or email Dave McEwen at [email protected]. We will get you the information you need. Please check out this very worthwhile effort.
Check out the Vicars' Crossing Podcasts: Itunes, YouTube or Soundcloud OR simply go to Vicars Podcasts listed under "Media" and click the link to view the many podcasts available. Discover them at http://www.thevicarscrossing.com/
CLOSED CAPTION - YouTube VIDEO OPTION: Did you know that if you are viewing the Sunday Services online, there should be a symbol on your computer, cell phone or iPad that shows a symbol indicating CLOSED CAPTION? If you click on the symbol you will be able to read what is being said. ________________________________________________
Further to one of Rev Rob’s previous Wednesday's check-in, here are the authors and a few titles that he suggested for personal reading: John Collins (Intro to Old Testament) Bart Ehrman (The New Testament), N T. Wright (Surprised by Hope, Simply Christian) N T. Wright (God and the Pandemic) Marcus Borg (The Heart of Christianity) , Brian McLaren (The Great Spiritual Migration) Brian McLaren (We Make the Road by Walking), Henri Nouwen (Wounded Healer, Return of the Prodigal Son)
In addition to the above suggested readings, here are a few from other parishioners: Allison G’s reading list: Nancy L. Bieber (Decision Making & Spiritual Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way) Rachel Held Evans (Searching for Sundays; Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again) Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community)
Colin Shutt’s reading list: Frederick Buechner (pronounced buckner) Wishful thinking: A seekers’ ABC; Whistling in the dark: A doubter's dictionary; Peculiar treasures: A biblical who's who Rowan Williams - Being Christian
Community Outreach - Being the Church in a Time of Crisis There is still much need in our communities for us to find ways of being the hands of Jesus in the world, especially for the most vulnerable of our neighbours. The latest newsletter, Spring 2020, was sent from Rev. Pam Cullen at the London Community Chaplaincy and you are encouraged to read it, especially the section titled "Serve". For those who have the means, this is a wonderful way ‘to be the church’ in our neighbourhood. A copy of the newsletter is available for download from our Community Outreach page under the Ministries Menu.
Local Community Food Banks are still in need of donations! The Food Cupboard at Westminster Park Community Church on the corner of Southdale and Millbank is still open and currently accepting food donations at their front door. If you are able to help, please drop off your donation and ring the doorbell for pick up in order to observe physical distancing. Their most needed items are: cereal/pancake mix, peanut butter, canned meat/tuna, Kraft dinner, pasta and pasta sauce, soup and crackers and of course…toilet paper! You can find more information at their website: https://londoncommunitychaplaincy.com
St. Paul's Social Services Food Bank St. Paul's Fellowship Centre is currently closed for Lunch Distribution due to the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, but the Food Bank is still open and the staff and volunteers are dedicated to assist the community during this difficult time. Food and Monetary donations are always welcome and accepted. For donations please visit their website: http://stpaulssocialservices.ca. For the safety of staff and clients, they are offering service and intake by phone and web. For inquiries please call: 519-673-3242 or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/St.PaulsSocialServices ________________________________________________
During current Pandemic restrictions, all meetings are temporarily suspended until further notice. Recurring Meeting Times: Next Social Events Committee Mtg: Mon at 7pm Next Euchre & Games Night: Wed at 7pm Next Parish Council Mtg: Thurs at 7pm Next Ladies Coffee Hour: Tues at 10am